The success of the Multitel Pagliero brand and of the truck-mounted and self-propelled tracked aerial platforms, as told through the most authoritative European trade journals.

The success of the Multitel Pagliero brand and of the truck-mounted and self-propelled tracked aerial platforms, as told through the most authoritative European trade journals.

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Formazione Hybeko group a Manta

Three days of training for Hybeko Group technicians

A few weeks after the agreement that sees the Norwegian Hybeko Group as the new Multitel Pagliero dealer for the Scandinavian countries, Manta hosted a three-day training session with some of the group’s technicians. To be precise, 3 from Sweden, 2 from Norway.

“This was a first session,’ explains Jorge Altamirano, Multitel Pagliero Technical Trainer ‘which will be followed by two more of the same duration, but in Sweden and Finland”.

Subject of the course: 3.5 ton truck-mounted platforms, with special focus on limiting device (technologies, evolution, MUSA X system), hydraulic and electrical operation of the MTE 230, MTE 270 and MJ 201 S models, operation of the Hybrid system, diagnostics and troubleshooting, and telemetry.

This work began in the classroom and was completed in the field with vehicle tests, alarm simulation and emergency manoeuvres.

Jorge Altamirano is very satisfied with this first encounter: “The technicians have an average of 10 years experience on the platforms and are very knowledgeable. Attentive, participative, interested in learning, they always asked pertinent and stimulating questions; dropped in the environmental and climatic context in which the Multitel Pagliero truck-mounted platforms will have to operate. I can comfortably say, Atamirano underlines  ‘that it was one of the best and most interesting courses I have ever done”. Next appointment, then, in Sweden and Finland.



Formazione Hybeko group a Manta

Three days of training for Hybeko Group technicians

A few weeks after the agreement that sees the Norwegian Hybeko Group as the new Multitel Pagliero dealer for the Scandinavian countries, Manta hosted a three-day training session with some of the group’s technicians. To be precise, 3 from Sweden, 2 from Norway.

“This was a first session,’ explains Jorge Altamirano, Multitel Pagliero Technical Trainer ‘which will be followed by two more of the same duration, but in Sweden and Finland”.

Subject of the course: 3.5 ton truck-mounted platforms, with special focus on limiting device (technologies, evolution, MUSA X system), hydraulic and electrical operation of the MTE 230, MTE 270 and MJ 201 S models, operation of the Hybrid system, diagnostics and troubleshooting, and telemetry.

This work began in the classroom and was completed in the field with vehicle tests, alarm simulation and emergency manoeuvres.

Jorge Altamirano is very satisfied with this first encounter: “The technicians have an average of 10 years experience on the platforms and are very knowledgeable. Attentive, participative, interested in learning, they always asked pertinent and stimulating questions; dropped in the environmental and climatic context in which the Multitel Pagliero truck-mounted platforms will have to operate. I can comfortably say, Atamirano underlines  ‘that it was one of the best and most interesting courses I have ever done”. Next appointment, then, in Sweden and Finland.


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