The success of the Multitel Pagliero brand and of the truck-mounted and self-propelled tracked aerial platforms, as told through the most authoritative European trade journals.

The success of the Multitel Pagliero brand and of the truck-mounted and self-propelled tracked aerial platforms, as told through the most authoritative European trade journals.

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Roberto Marangoni, Global marketing and international sales director, provides an overview of the significant contribution and efforts made by Multitel Pagliero marketing over the past two years.

Since 2021, Multitel Pagliero’s industrial advance has entered a new chapter marked by a shift in the corporate structure, rapid expansion into international markets, and a notable increase in workforce, which is essential to support the production effort. All this has required an evolution in the company’s image and a change of pace in the marketing and communication strategy, which initially focused on:
– reassuring customers and the market
– giving continuity to the company’s history
– reaffirming its stability, dependability and innovative drive
– reaffirming its pivotal position in the sector

A concise, clear and effective action that was quickly digested by the market. And this has allowed us to focus the company on the next phase – organised in a Marketing and Communication Plan – with much more clearly defined long-term goals. The first of these focuses on strengthening and promoting the Multitel Pagliero’s brand value both internally and externally. Starting from a concept: “Fine tailors despite the large volumes”. Because this is who we are; a company with a long history of innovation in the industry which, despite its size, international reach, technology, robotics and IT, has managed to retain the human and artisan dimension of ‘made-at-home’.

All this has been synthesised and made visible through Made in Multitel (MiM) which is, to continue with the sartorial metaphor, the thread that sews together not only our corporate culture but also our entire strategy. This makes it a permanent element of Multitel Pagliero, free from deadlines and objectives and crucial for strengthening the sense of community. To achieve this result, we worked internally to renew and organise the corporate image (from the most basic paper elements to the factories, from the web to trade fairs, from social media to advertising, from media to clothing), codifying the “Multitel style” in a Guide to visual identity that everyone in Italy and abroad must adhere to, in order to preserve its value. We also worked on spreading the MiM idea, but more slowly, to encourage a thorough assimilation and turn every Multitel Pagliero employee into a witness and ambassador. A two-year process that began with the creation of the institutional video and culminated at Intermat 2024 with the launch of MiM Style and the e-shop A portal functional to the commercial needs of dealers, also open to internal staff and private individuals, offering a large selection of goods such as apparel, accessories and objects that reflect our individuality. Products that stand out for their innovative design, superior materials, sustainability and attention to detail.

In addition to being the subject of communication and influencing its style in terms of content and graphics, Made In Multitel acts as a synthesis of our work philosophy and serves as the guide for all internal marketing, acquisition, and loyalty initiatives within the Marketing and Communication Plan that we established for ourselves in 2022. A plan well-defined in structure, but necessarily flexible, given that the world and the market change fast and we must be ready to adjust as necessary.


It is demanding, but the plan allows us to identify resources and focus our energies on achieving our goals while also helping us prioritise our tasks. start them and ensure that they move forward almost automatically. Managers, staff, dealers, customers and industry professionals have testified to the excellence of Multitel Pagliero’s ideas and efforts to add value to the brand and increase its recognition.

Global marketing and international sales director

When we consider how little time has elapsed since I was put in charge of the marketing division, we can see how much work went into creating the marketing plan, communicating it internally, and carrying it out. Significant effort has been required from my team, the owners, management and all of our colleagues. The hardest part of any change is usually initiating it, but once the direction has been determined and the path laid out, all that is left to do is carry out the established plan. The MiM Style is evident and pervasive; it permeates every action taken both inside and outside of our company. We are embarking on an educational journey that will benefit all of us. Our guiding principle, the core of our values and who we are is “Made in Multitel”: this serves as a mantra to direct us towards new objectives.


Roberto Marangoni, Global marketing and international sales director, provides an overview of the significant contribution and efforts made by Multitel Pagliero marketing over the past two years.

Since 2021, Multitel Pagliero’s industrial advance has entered a new chapter marked by a shift in the corporate structure, rapid expansion into international markets, and a notable increase in workforce, which is essential to support the production effort. All this has required an evolution in the company’s image and a change of pace in the marketing and communication strategy, which initially focused on:
– reassuring customers and the market
– giving continuity to the company’s history
– reaffirming its stability, dependability and innovative drive
– reaffirming its pivotal position in the sector

A concise, clear and effective action that was quickly digested by the market. And this has allowed us to focus the company on the next phase – organised in a Marketing and Communication Plan – with much more clearly defined long-term goals. The first of these focuses on strengthening and promoting the Multitel Pagliero’s brand value both internally and externally. Starting from a concept: “Fine tailors despite the large volumes”. Because this is who we are; a company with a long history of innovation in the industry which, despite its size, international reach, technology, robotics and IT, has managed to retain the human and artisan dimension of ‘made-at-home’.

All this has been synthesised and made visible through Made in Multitel (MiM) which is, to continue with the sartorial metaphor, the thread that sews together not only our corporate culture but also our entire strategy. This makes it a permanent element of Multitel Pagliero, free from deadlines and objectives and crucial for strengthening the sense of community. To achieve this result, we worked internally to renew and organise the corporate image (from the most basic paper elements to the factories, from the web to trade fairs, from social media to advertising, from media to clothing), codifying the “Multitel style” in a Guide to visual identity that everyone in Italy and abroad must adhere to, in order to preserve its value. We also worked on spreading the MiM idea, but more slowly, to encourage a thorough assimilation and turn every Multitel Pagliero employee into a witness and ambassador. A two-year process that began with the creation of the institutional video and culminated at Intermat 2024 with the launch of MiM Style and the e-shop A portal functional to the commercial needs of dealers, also open to internal staff and private individuals, offering a large selection of goods such as apparel, accessories and objects that reflect our individuality. Products that stand out for their innovative design, superior materials, sustainability and attention to detail.

In addition to being the subject of communication and influencing its style in terms of content and graphics, Made In Multitel acts as a synthesis of our work philosophy and serves as the guide for all internal marketing, acquisition, and loyalty initiatives within the Marketing and Communication Plan that we established for ourselves in 2022. A plan well-defined in structure, but necessarily flexible, given that the world and the market change fast and we must be ready to adjust as necessary.


It is demanding, but the plan allows us to identify resources and focus our energies on achieving our goals while also helping us prioritise our tasks. start them and ensure that they move forward almost automatically. Managers, staff, dealers, customers and industry professionals have testified to the excellence of Multitel Pagliero’s ideas and efforts to add value to the brand and increase its recognition.

Global marketing and international sales director

When we consider how little time has elapsed since I was put in charge of the marketing division, we can see how much work went into creating the marketing plan, communicating it internally, and carrying it out. Significant effort has been required from my team, the owners, management and all of our colleagues. The hardest part of any change is usually initiating it, but once the direction has been determined and the path laid out, all that is left to do is carry out the established plan. The MiM Style is evident and pervasive; it permeates every action taken both inside and outside of our company. We are embarking on an educational journey that will benefit all of us. Our guiding principle, the core of our values and who we are is “Made in Multitel”: this serves as a mantra to direct us towards new objectives.

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